Shaun, you didn't answered all my question by e-mail. On my first e-mail you have send me one sentence answer. For a second - even a shorten one. And just a last one was a little bit longer, after I communicated you that I will make this issue public. My mission isn't to shame your programme - in fact I don't care about Tobet for a long time. But I own other affiliates to warn them if I see something unusual.
And by the way - I never heard about players who can make a 7k eur making lots of 7 eur bets. Professional players don't bet 7 eur with 1000 odds - only gamblers can do that. So what is a point to close those kind account?
I can assure you Poland isn't a magical county. Yearly we send about 10.000 users to other bookmakers. Some of them winning, but with a long run good odds margin make them loss. And if you have a problem with polish traffic - please explain me why is available only in English and ... Polish ?
And please one more time - explain me what give you a force to close all the players account that was set up by mine affiliate link? What information will you send to this players? "Your account will be closed because you have signed up form xxx affiliate, and other players from those affiliate have won 7k eur?" or maybe "Your account will be closed because you are Polish so you can win 7k with 7 eur bets" ?
I see this situation differently - I didn't send you a traffic for a few months. In October players have won, and you don't have a negative balance carryover. In November, in day that account was closed balance was POSITIVE. So is easy to close affiliate account and don't take risk that players who win in October loss they winning and you will have to share with affiliate.