these sites :
copied almost the full front page of my site
please contact this person to have it removed.
these sites :
copied almost the full front page of my site
please contact this person to have it removed.
We have contacted the Affiliate and we will keep you posted about the outcome as soon as we hear from them.
The Euro Partners Team
-Shay- (13 April 2014), GCG (13 April 2014), richardosullivan (2 November 2014)
Everything on that site is copied. He has other sites too that are copied content. Send an email to his hosting company which is: abuse[at] and use this format for your email (it worked for me as recently as a few days ago for that exact website):
You are hosting the following website:
xttp://azartpley [dot] com
It has stolen content from our website ( on these pages:
xttp://poker.azartpley [dot] com/???????????????
xttp://poker.azartpley [dot] com/??????????????
It has copied large amounts of text from this page on our website:
This is a DMCA Notice and you need to comply with it and remove the stolen content that you are hosting. Please could you suspend the offending website (xttp://azartpley [dot] com) immediately.
This moron has several sites doing the same thing. The good thing is that hetzner are on the case immediately. Unfortunately I dont see the problem going away as it is just a continuous cycle. If they did wipe him out completely he would only move to a different hosting company who may be less good at sorting out the problem.
Hi Robin,
If you read fellow affiliate comments below this guy is well aware of what he has been doing. I also see lots of content stolen from LCB and other bigger affiliates.
IMO suspend his account and until he has proven to have a decent site he is working on otherwise he will just keep on doing what he is doing right now : copying our articles.
Everything else is not acceptable.
Going after each and every hosting company that might help to shut down his sites but this should be the last option if EP decides not to stop this guy.
If you have content sites without much links this WILL hurt your rankings eventually, so we have to take action where it hurts for those that do it : the money flow.
This is sad but we have to defend what is ours.
Last edited by GCG; 13 April 2014 at 8:17 am.
no update from EP, copycats sites are still up seems his account has not been suspended.
dont waste time here, go straight to the hosts and they have a legal duty to remove it
If you did what I told you to do above the pages containing your copy will have been removed. Sounds like you never sent the email.
-Shay- (16 April 2014)
If you think we are all talking crap about only dealing with the hosting company then here is my confirmation from the host company (received a few days after emailing them about that very site):
Dear Sir or Madam,
customer's reply:
"All the abuse content was deleted from the clients server."
Important note:
When you reply to us, please leave the abuse ID [AbuseID:0F7E5B:19] unchanged in the subject line.
Best regards,
Sandra Betz
Hetzner Online AG
Industriestr. 25
91710 Gunzenhausen
Tel: +49 (9831) 505-0
Fax: +49 (9831) 505-3
email sent to the hosting co lets wait and see
still I am requesting EP to stop this rogue affiliate.
You are right to expect the affiliate programs to help - and I have had some of them help in the past. Ladbrokes were pretty good one time for me in this situation. I don't know about EP as I wont promote them because of their bad reputation with so many affiliates. However you always need to solve the problem first, and that is always best done via the host companies.
Just list every page and send it to the host company. What certainly wont work is expecting EP to put him out of business. They cant switch off his server. Even if they cut him off as an affiliate, your copy would still be on his site so you will have achieved nothing. Send every page to the host company if you want it sorted out. There is no other way that works. Over & out.
Copyright violations of written text in Germany are difficult to punish. Normally you have to sue. If a German hosting company helps, then it's more a goodwill gesture than a bounden duty, because everybody can claim the authorship until you are not a public person or able to credibly claim your rights.
I am as a writer are a complete supporter of protecting property rights and copyrights from written texts. My general opinion -and there is no exception- about human content copier is, that they are lazy chicken thieves with the character of vagabonds. Content copier are simply scapegraces, because they know exactly, what they do.
It happens intentionally!
Internet must be recognised as a catalyst for theft of intellectual property by written text.
If you publish a page of content, and you are the author you have copyright, and the wayback at times can help with proof.
Smart and honest web hosts, no matter what country they are in, will most often act correctly reguarding DCMA forms. At times they will ask for more information or proof so they are not taking action against clients filing false accusations, but most will react to properly filed forms.
Hosts and their upstream providers are actually required to follow laws and rules dictated by carriers. Upstream providers and backbone providers have agreements in place that they WILL take action on abuse complaints. Failure to follow agrements can jeopardize their connections, and rarely is any single client valuable enough to ignore such complaints unless the host or provider has a history of doing so.
It is true that those types of hosts and providers do exist, but it also holds true that those are also the subnets that end up on more and more block lists.
I do not pretend to know and understand the laws in all countries, but in my experience Hetzner can and will follow up on properly submitted cases of infringement.