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Thread: Binary Options

  1. #1
    leemore is offline Non-sponsor Affiliate Program
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    Default Binary Options

    Couldn't find any specific thread on the subject so I thought I'd just start my membership here at GPWA with an intro to the field. I am a trader, have been for about 12 years. I have run forex and binary options operations for most of that time so I come with a certain bias on the subject. However, before being an operator I was a trader and I still trade. While I was between running a couple of large scale forex brokers, I opened a website called whyoptions .com

    The site caters to binary options traders and market followers looking for insights about brokers and market analysis. But I am not really here to plug my site but rather garner some awareness for the field.

    I noticed some binary operators joined the site GPWA but I don't see any posts, threads or anything else to provide the gaming affiliate with some key info about why even venture into this thing called binary options. Well here are some key reasons from someone who knows very well that many gaming affiliates were burned venturing into forex. Forex is a much trickier game to play from all angles. It's tough on brokers, it's tough on affiliates, it's just plain tough. Yes, loads of cash in it. But it's very competitive today and the expectation for growth, well, let's just say it's limited online. Offline is where the real money is made in forex. Always has been and always will be.

    Binary options work differently. It's much more gamified trading. Don't get me wrong, some of the smartest and most profitable traders I know use binaries to a degree (either as part of the strategy or part of the hedging they do from time to time).

    The reason they are different is that it requires no knowledge of trading. It's more roulette and less poker. It only requires the the trader to decide a direction of the asset he wants to trade. This as opposed to trying to figure out whether the market will go up or down within a specific amount of time and also gauging whether the bankroll is deep enough to cover the drawdown. Without getting to technical, it's a massive difference.

    The reason this is important to gaming affiliates is quite simple: conversion. Without difficult and complex concepts customers are converting closer to what gaming affiliates are used to; many automatic conversion and worst case it requires a few days more.

    The model works based on lead generation that are then either self-converted or are converted by a call center - yes, there are call centers in binary as it is part of the process of retention. So a good affiliate can drive traffic and see near instant results.

    The way payouts work here is also familiar ground. As compared with other financial products, binaries are simplified just like gaming: CPA or Rev-Share. CPA is generally $200-400 while revshare can be as high as 45% (generally only the largest partners can get there - but it's early).

    Anyway, that's binary in a nut shell. I am trying to rouse some interest in the field as I said. You are all welcome to check out the binary options site (whyoptions. com) I built and I am open to new ideas, ventures, and the like so feel free to IM me here or mail me

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  3. #2
    JenSanders is offline New Member
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    Yes is quite easy,

    but i like to trade on with my broker in VIP Binary, since it gives more for your money, you get free personal broker assistance for your trades, bonus or 100% secure, and most important withdrawals are right on time on VIP Binary.

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