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  1. The beauty of live Blackjack

    by , 20 February 2020 at 10:12 pm
    Blackjack is one of the most beloved casino card games. This is largely thanks to its simplicity and the ease with which it can be picked up. The aim of the game is simple: beat the dealer by getting a score higher than theirs without exceeding a total of 21. Blackjack has long been a casino favourite, with groups of people gravitating towards the Blackjack tables in brick-and-mortar establishments.

    Now though, there are more ways to enjoy Blackjack thanks to internet-based casino ...
  2. A 2020 Guide to Online Gambling

    by , 16 January 2020 at 8:33 pm
    [SIZE=2][COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]Gambling has always been a common hobby for a lot of people. It’s been around for years- bets have been going on in sporting events for a very long time (just think of horse racing) and more and more people start betting every year. I personally know a large number of people who take part- even in the occasional football bet or something of the sort. Gambling has evolved in the technological age, however, and there are now more ways to bet than ever. This is particularly ...
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