Over the years I've had numerous problems with Income Access based advertisers. The problem - media links don't track or become invalid.
We recently put in place our own complex tracking on our side to see if our measured clicks align with affiliate system stats and found that a massive 80% of clicks were missed with some Income Access based advertisers.
The reason for this is that the Income Access software/system allows an advertiser to create and then at a later date, delete media and links! So, you may have selected a link 2 months ago, put it across your websites and then find that all of a sudden when clicked it goes to a valid HTML page that just displays the message "Invalid Link". This makes checking links difficult because if you're using a traditional bad link checker it may only check for 404 or other non HTTP200 responses. The "Invalid Link" page Income Access inefficiently provides is a valid HTTP200 response page.
I mentioned this major bug in the Income Access system to Louis several years ago and he acknowledged that it was one of the biggest problems with the system. 3 years on advertisers continue to just delete links in their systems and affiliates go untracked and waste time advertising.
Our latest experience is with BetVictor. We're doing a massive advertising overhaul ready for the new season and found that around 50%!, of all our BetVictor Income Access links were invalid.
Income Access - please, please, please! stop advertisers deleting links. Why can't you just develop a feature that disables or suspends links and forces the advertiser to enter a valid redirect/replacement link that will mean that affiliate referrals are still tracked?
On another point, we've found that deep linking with Income Access is terrible and tracks randomly. Many advertisers will provide you instructions to take a link, click it, and then take the resulting btagid from the URL and use it for deep linking. However, you can do this, but further down the line the advertiser then modifies or deletes the media and your deep link no longer works.
Because many clicks on links are all massed into aggregate statistics it's often difficult to know what is working and what isn't without going through a laborious process of testing every link and creating test sign ups.
Compared to the likes of people like bet365, where you can trust that every affiliate link you use will work and will not ever become redundant, it's impossible to have 100% confidence in many Income Access based advertisers.
Now we have our own systems on our side we're tempted to test each clicked link before referring the visitor, then redirect any Income Access deleted link to a non-Income Access/bookmaker's competitor to penalise them for doing this.