There is a difference what is gambling and what is perceived as gambling.
I do not care much what s perceived as gambling. It is some political bullshit connected to taxes and regulation.
The real biggest gambling nowadays is so called investing. Into crypto, stocks etc. People have no clue what they are buying, they use insane leverages to make odds as high as possible and they hope for big win. And they pay commissions.
Everything looks noble, even governments support such behavior, because it brings taxes and because the box of Pandora was opened and it is impossible to stop such reckless behavior without significant impact to state budgets and social order.
But in few generations I believe is:
The end of democracy and enlightened tyranny. Probably from Asia. This tyranny will restrict people from freedoms to do whatever they want to do with money. So some knd of heavily restricted gambling on all fronts.
If the west survives after WWIII, there will be reborn democracy and personal freedoms and this will compete with Asian totalitarianism. Crypto based monetary policy will not allow high taxes (all taxes will go to infrastructure war and defense budgets)and social policy, therefore labor force will be again highly competitive and smart. The gambling will be limited from inside, because people will understand that they can not gamble.
So there will be much less gambling, much more work and competing of two systems of self government. That is the optimistic scenario.
There is no pessimistic scenario, because people will not survive being so stupid and gambling is part of that stupidity. It was always here, but now it is limitless and it hurts everyone.
First step is to recognize that any playing with money without real information, without rationality, is gambling. As masses became richer during last decades because of R&D, the culture of asset nursing/saving is lagging behind. Credit fro casual spending is double edged sword that keeps economy running but destroying it microeconomically.
Those issues must be addressed in 21st century and it is is too late (and always was) to do it in a peaceful way. So the big war is ahead and the things will settle down only if human race will survive it. I guess it will and it will be educated from it (as always just for a short time until it will become stupid again).
If you talk to God, you are praying; If God talks to you, you have schizophrenia.