How does one pass the AAMS block of online gambling affiliate sites?
Is listing licensed brands only help?
Who does one contact to remove the block?
Answers, advice, links to relevant guidelines all appreciated.
How does one pass the AAMS block of online gambling affiliate sites?
Is listing licensed brands only help?
Who does one contact to remove the block?
Answers, advice, links to relevant guidelines all appreciated.
There are several ways of going around the system, changing the advertising url into directories is one of them.
The new regulation states you can only advertise licensed brands or you will also be banned and liable for sanctioning. So you have to create a "clean" version of your site showing only licensed brands in Italy. Its a pain sigh, but having worked for an Italian casino company for a long time I have come to the conclusion it is just to time consuming to constantly try to get around their rules.
You can try and write to or [email protected]
and ask for your website to be lifted from the ban. If you write in any language other than italian, well they might not answer as fast as one would hope.
Here you will find the list of companies approved by the AMMS
Hope this helps a little bit. If you need help translating some what they say feel free to contact me.
Take care,
only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity and i'm not sure about the universe - Einstein
FictionNet (28 December 2011), Moonlight Cat (20 August 2017), ocreditor (29 December 2011), Simmo! (28 December 2011)
I figured, before delving into a new project, cleaning up the Italian site of ours and keeping it on top of the rules and all, which granted is a bit of a hassle, time consuming and what not, I will email AAMS and see if I can then re-apply with my affiliate site and get approved and cleared.
I just might ask for your help in Italian when writing my email. Thanks for offering the help!
Glad it was helpful
If you need anything I think Alex has me on skype? Just ask away!
Take care,
only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity and i'm not sure about the universe - Einstein
One question popped up in my mind.
How do one know if an affiliate site has been blocked in Italy?
I own a .it and started to be a bit concerned when I read Daniels post.
And also, Monica, "changing the advertising url into directories" please explain.
Hi there Hakan,
Well usually I could never check if I wasnt in Italy. I went there at least once a month when I was working for VA so it was easy enough. Have someone who lives there check, because they block it through the ISP (internet provider). Usually if blocked, instead of going to your website you get a black page with AAMS's logo on it saying it is blocked.
Regarding the directories and mind you I am miles away from being a tech person, usually we used tricks to advertise, like for example we would change the into or change between http and https, something of the sort. I cant really explain because I dont know how to do it. All I remember was it being very time consuming for the IT people, because the AAMS is quick on the blocking trigger. We had like 10 casinos back then so you can image how much work was placed into it.
If you want I can try and check it for you, since I know alot of people in Italy.
let me know and hope it helped,
Take care,
only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity and i'm not sure about the universe - Einstein
I see, but the directory changing or redirecting seems like way too much work for me right now though.
I found this list: (big and opens in Word) it's updated 12/12/2011 and I'm not on it yet but OCR is there along with 3747 other sites so all affiliates should check if they are on that list if they promote to Italy.
Thanks Monica!
Hey Hakan,
Yep I have that list also, they update it usually about twice a month. And its a very good idea for affs to check if they are on that list, because its easy to get on, but more troublesome to get off the list.
Just make sure you are promoting only the licensed brands and you will be fine. I wish our casino had our license ready already for Italy, but we are pushing to have it very soon.
Anything I can help with feel free to ask
Take care,
only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity and i'm not sure about the universe - Einstein
hakank (28 December 2011)