I am a bit disapointed by the lack of reactions from affiliate programs in this post (thanks Tania), especially from Europartners but not only. I understand that it might not be a priority for a lot of people on GPWA, but for affilates that are only or mainly targeting the french market, it is currently a real mess. The most annoying is that most affiliate programs have not communicated at all in this matter, and affiliates that have not started to contact them as soon as the law passed in April to get an idea on which site will apply for a licence in order to replace them straight away by programmes that will definitely not apply and will continue as usual, well they are now in trouble.
888 has applied for the licence, however it does not mean that they will get it. At the moment, they are still accepting french players and they will continue to do so unless they get the licence... And there again, if I did not contact the affiliate manager on numerous occasions to try to find out what are 888 plans, I would not know. And this is what I am talking about
: affiliate managers should have contacted us to let us know these plans as soon as they knew (most knew what they wanted to do before even the law passed...!!!!), instead of sending us an email the day they got the licence to basically telling us "that's it, bye! and thanks for the effort to bring all the players that you are loosing from now on"(like ACF-webmaster for example, or Bwin, etc...). 888 is only an example, all programmes are acting, or have acted, like that (apart from William Hill, that contacted me in April as soon as they knew that they were going to apply for the licence, so I can start to replace them... I have critisised so much Cpays/affutd in the past, I must say that it was a nice gesture!!).
Phil has kindly started this post here, and posted the link to here on a french forum well known by all french affiliates. I will now do the opposite (if GPWA admins do not mind) and post the link to the french forum where a lot of us would appreciate to hear from affiliate programs (Europartners, Platinum Affiliates, Wagershare, Partypartners, AFF Club, etc..!!!!!) to let us know your plans for the french market. Thanks in advance.