View Poll Results: Do you think this hacker should be banner forever?

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  1. #21
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    Hello WATP,

    Thank you.

    I immensely appreciate your words. It has been a tough, effort-full ride. Besides that, it has cost me too.

    I'm sorry to say: He does sports too... So, that's affected too. "p=sports-betting" ... Do a bit of fiddling around, and you'll find him.

    "HE" might not rank, he has millions of sites that do that for him. His formula works. Period. Think of it, he chooses and hacks sites left right and center, and, people will find those sites by the thousands.

    I have reported this to Google SEVERAL times. Try contacting them by phone, that alone has given me gray hair. I've reported it to abuse@ - his domain registrar, to dediserv. eu/ his hosting, and have tried to get in contact with the brands on his site.

    (Perhaps anyone else could raise this with Google, Dynadot and dediserv too by sending them a message?)

    It has cost me an AWFUL, AWFUL lot of time, and it hurts me even more to see, that nothing is / has been done.

    I've been laughed at, and hung up on by one aff program (see above). The others either don't mail back, don't answer phones, have phone numbers that are out of service, or, have endless answering machine messages... And, those are big brands like 888 etc...

    I think, all in all, I've spent numerous hours on the phone, dialing internationally, trying to get one single person to talk to me.

    Thanks to all of this, I've come to the conclusion that once this is all over, the brands better up the standards as far as simple contact goes.

    Never knew it was that hard. Or, that sad for that matter.

    So far, not a PIXEL from either one of them on this thread. (Or from GPWA for that matter..)

    Again WATP, thank you for taking the time to say what you said. It means the world to me.
    Last edited by antihacker; 29 August 2014 at 8:26 pm. Reason: had to take out a link...

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ixian View Post
    You should also report him to the big brands listed on the bottom right of his web pages (As Seen On). I'm sure they will not be impressed to be linked to this site.
    Thank you for your response and suggestion! Much appreciated indeed.

    I'm afraid reporting him to them won't do much.. But I could try. There are kazillions of sites that use this as seen on tv thingymingy. However none of them have actually ever been seen on tv. (Unless they place an iPad with their site on their own tv, lol)

    He is using it, as many do, to build trust to the visitor. Just a little bit deceiving if you ask me...

    He also states "Welcome to Verified Casinos, The World's longest established online casino comparison site" however, the domain has been created on 27-nov-2013...

    This is the thing, he just gets himself a new domain once he either gets caught or when his domain expires... In fact, I bet you he has a ton of domains working for him.

    That is why the affiliate programs MUST MAKE SURE to ban him and ANYONE with him. All of his aff accounts should be banned.

    I hope it happens soon so that I can go back to MY own work. This has taken a lot of time, and still is. I am determined to knack the hacker.

  3. #23
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    Finally a flint of hope:


    Thank you for submitting your complaint. We will investigate the matter, and take action where we deem appropriate.

    Thank you again.

    Best Regards,
    Dynadot Abuse manager

  4. #24
    iGamingWriter is offline Private Member
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    Okay, so I've contacted all of the casinos that I can see on the pages I've looked through and sent the following email;

    Quote Originally Posted by ThePOGG
    Hi [NAME],

    I’m contacting you today regarding an affiliate that appears to be engaging in a large scale hacking operation and that works with your brands. For obvious reasons I do not want associated with companies whose business partners are engaged in illegal activities. This not only creates a skewed market that favours unscrupulous individuals and tarnishes the reputation of the entire industry, these types of business associations are highly likely to be detrimental to any brand seeking to obtain or maintain licenses in the newly regulated UK or US jurisdictions.

    Given the above I would encourage you to review this thread at GPWA - - and investigate [CASINO]’s involvement with this individual. I’d very much appreciate it if you could feed back any conclusions that you reach and would suggest that it may be a good idea to make an official statement on that thread detailing any action that’s being taken.

    Thanks and have a good weekend,
    If anyone else is interested in contact the casinos they see, feel free to use the above email. The majority of these brands cannot receive traffic from me for various reasons so there's every chance they simply won't be interested in anything I have to say, but the brands I've contact are as follows;

    City Club
    Mr Green
    William Hill
    Casino Midas
    Spin Palace
    Cosmik - Content writing services by some of the most experienced and knowledgeable writers in the sector. - Responsible Gambling charity providing free blocking software to everyone.

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  6. #25
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    First, let me say I am not against reporting hackers, and to be honest, I have likely reported many more than a handful of members here put together.

    Host Reporting:
    Reporting to his host will not do much unless you can prove that he used his hosted resources to do the hacking. The reality is, if he didn't, he didn't do anything against hist hosting contract.

    I have had direct contact with many many hosts, ISP's and BACKBONE providers, and unless you have actual server logs of hacking activity or abuse of ip space, it will be very difficult to convince hosts from taking action, since the actual hacking activity is NOT taking place on his server, (unless you have server logs from some of the hacked sites that he used HIS server to hack FROM)

    Yes, to most of us it appears that these pages are likely listed on sites that have been hacked, but there is zero PROOF any specific individual is behind it, and there is zero PROOF that the ip space his site is hosted on is involved in the "actual hacking activity".

    His hosting contract is for hosting web pages and traffic sent to his pages and most hosting companies are not going to get too involved with how a client gets traffic to their sites, with the exception of direct email spamming of the domains being hosted (and that is not what is happening).

    If he happens to be hosted on a smaller host or hosting reseller and they understand the implications of this type of hack, it might do some short term good, but all he has to do is move his site to another space and be back up serving the links in a matter of hours.

    Other reporting:
    Reporting to his registrar will not do much unless you can prove he is using the domain fraudulently, and even if the domain is being used to carry links from hacked pages, the domain itself is not really being used fraudulently and as far as I can tell nothing he is doing would be a direct violation of ICANN policy concerning the domain name carrying the links.

    Reporting what is happening to google may help reduce the hacked pages from ranking, and maybe in the long term they might stop ranking any pages carrying the domain name being used to carry links on the hacked pages.

    Reporting to the affiliate programs would clearly have the largest impact, since the end result will impact his wallet.


    Side note: As far as not hearing from the GPWA. The GPWA has provided a forum where you CAN report and discuss this, as well as give you the opportunity to make thousands of affiliates aware of what you have discovered, and get that same information to more than a hundred affiliate programs.

    If you ever discover WHO is behind this, and also have proof of their GPWA username, we would most certainly take some action against the member. If you do ever have verifiable proof that a GPWA member is involved, let me know immediately as the membership would certainly take action.

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  8. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by thepogg View Post
    Okay, so I've contacted all of the casinos that I can see on the pages I've looked through and sent the following email;

    If anyone else is interested in contact the casinos they see, feel free to use the above email. The majority of these brands cannot receive traffic from me for various reasons so there's every chance they simply won't be interested in anything I have to say, but the brands I've contact are as follows;

    City Club
    Mr Green
    William Hill
    Casino Midas
    Spin Palace
    Fantastic input! Thank you very much Thepogg, this is much appreciated. As a matter of fact, I will use your email too, to send yet another notification to the affiliate programs.

    Did I mention 'thank you' yet?

    To all other affiliates: Please copy n paste this email, and send it to your affiliate managers. The more pressure, the sooner we'll see results.

    Again, Thepogg, thank you for being actively involved in this all. 100% Top class.

    I hope others will follow us..

  9. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by universal4 View Post
    First, let me say I am not against reporting hackers, and to be honest, I have likely reported many more than a handful of members here put together. Host Reporting: Reporting to his host will not do much unless you can prove that he used his hosted resources to do the hacking. The reality is, if he didn't, he didn't do anything against hist hosting contract.

    I have had direct contact with many many hosts, ISP's and BACKBONE providers, and unless you have actual server logs of hacking activity or abuse of ip space, it will be very difficult to convince hosts from taking action, since the actual hacking activity is NOT taking place on his server, (unless you have server logs from some of the hacked sites that he used HIS server to hack FROM)
    I know you can't sue BMW if a bankrobber is using a BMW to commit his crimes, but, with hosting and domains, in my opinion it should be different. All runs on / around his domain and hosting. So, outside of the aff programs, in my (humble) opinion, it would still benefit if enough people would take action and send ([email protected]) and email, stating this hacker should be banned from the internet. Looking at the scale of things, and if more people mail, they might just take action.

    Quote Originally Posted by universal4 View Post
    Yes, to most of us it appears that these pages are likely listed on sites that have been hacked, but there is zero PROOF any specific individual is behind it, and there is zero PROOF that the ip space his site is hosted on is involved in the "actual hacking activity".
    If it was just my site that was hacked, I had no chance. Since there are so many sites (non gambling sites) hacked, it would take a peanut IQ to not see that something is rather fishy here.. Perhaps the rules are different, but any normal thinking person working in abuse departments of either hosting or registrars should have that alarm going off inside of his head and take immediate appropriate action. (But perhaps my idea of the world is too perfect)

    Quote Originally Posted by universal4 View Post
    His hosting contract is for hosting web pages and traffic sent to his pages and most hosting companies are not going to get too involved with how a client gets traffic to their sites, with the exception of direct email spamming of the domains being hosted (and that is not what is happening).
    Although you might be right, yet again, the scale of things might (hopefully) be determining for those people, and still may take appropriate action.

    Quote Originally Posted by universal4 View Post
    If he happens to be hosted on a smaller host or hosting reseller and they understand the implications of this type of hack, it might do some short term good, but all he has to do is move his site to another space and be back up serving the links in a matter of hours.
    From Dediserve dot eu, his hosting company:

    2.2. The Subscriber is fully and solely responsible for the content stored on the servers used by him and made available to him by Dediserv. All services provided by Dediserv may be used for lawful purposes only, which excludes, but is not limited to: copyrighted material, material we judge to be threatening or obscene or material protected by trade secret and unsolicited email (spam) and invasion of privacy. Dediserv will be the sole arbiter in determining violation of this provision.

    Invasion of privacy.. Hacking? 99% sure this falls under that category.

    Further down, I read:

    3.5.Notwithstanding the above ruling Dediserv reserves the right to:
    b) refuse, suspend or cancel any account, at any time, without notice, for any reason Dediserv considers appropriate in the light of violation of present Terms, especially of its par 2.2.

    Details on the hosting company:

    Registered name and address:
    Dediserv Dedicated Servers Sp. z o.o
    00-378 Warszawa, ul. Jaracza 3/49
    Correspondence and office address:
    00-378 Warszawa
    ul. Jaracza 3 lok.49, Poland
    Tel: 48 22 212 48 62
    Fax 48 22 244 2472

    KRS (court registration number): 000263205,
    registered at the Sąd Rejonowy dla Warszawy w Warszawie,
    XII Wydział Gospodarczy KRS
    Share Capital: PLN 50 000
    EU VAT tax number: PL7010058737
    Regon (statistical number): 140844399

    Quote Originally Posted by universal4 View Post
    Other reporting:
    Reporting to his registrar will not do much unless you can prove he is using the domain fraudulently, and even if the domain is being used to carry links from hacked pages, the domain itself is not really being used fraudulently and as far as I can tell nothing he is doing would be a direct violation of ICANN policy concerning the domain name carrying the links.
    His domain, and hosting is part of the whole criminal operation. If a drug baron gets arrested, will his mates get to keep the drugs making machines? I know it is different, yet it is not that different.

    Quote Originally Posted by universal4 View Post
    Reporting what is happening to google may help reduce the hacked pages from ranking, and maybe in the long term they might stop ranking any pages carrying the domain name being used to carry links on the hacked pages.
    No hope. Google is unreachable. Google is by far the biggest disappointment with issues like this. And referring to all those pages ranking with utter crap on them, says enough of their 'Panda and Penguin updates. The marketing department in Google is the best department. They 'talk' like they are so involved, but when it comes down to it, you can't even reach them.

    But, for those of you who would like to help, please DO go over to Google's help forum and make a thread about this hacker. The more, the better. There ARE people there who have a direct line in to Google who are around on that forum, so, it is a matter of getting the right set of eye balls to see any one of our messages over there. So, it could still pay off: Again, my thanks to those who do.

    Just found this on Google's blog:

    Please visit the Google blog and leave a comment to tell them that 'Houston, we found a hacker'... Thanks..

    Quote Originally Posted by universal4 View Post
    Reporting to the affiliate programs would clearly have the largest impact, since the end result will impact his wallet.
    BINGO! Please anyone who cares, use thePogg's email above and send it to your aff managers today.

    Quote Originally Posted by universal4 View Post
    Thanks Rick, much appreciated info.

    Quote Originally Posted by universal4 View Post
    Side note: As far as not hearing from the GPWA. The GPWA has provided a forum where you CAN report and discuss this, as well as give you the opportunity to make thousands of affiliates aware of what you have discovered, and get that same information to more than a hundred affiliate programs.

    If you ever discover WHO is behind this, and also have proof of their GPWA username, we would most certainly take some action against the member. If you do ever have verifiable proof that a GPWA member is involved, let me know immediately as the membership would certainly take action.
    What impact do you think it will have if management of GPWA addresses this with the affiliate programs? I am afraid that only ONE Affiliate manager (coreen.starpartner) (Thank you Coreen!) so far has taken her time to check this thread out. If there were more, than why not leave a message of support here?

    I'm afraid that up until now, none of them HAVE actually read this thread..

    Conclusion: We need the affiliate programs to investigate, then eliminate. 100% and ASAP.

    I don't think he is the type of person who will bother signing up with forums like this. But if he is, and someone knows, a PM will do wonders. Anyone who would like to openly name and shame the hacker here: PLEASE be our guest.

    If he is a member and reads this, then let it be clear to him that I won't stop with pursuing him until he's gone.

    Again, Rick thank you very much for your input.
    Last edited by antihacker; 30 August 2014 at 10:45 pm.

  10. #28
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    The hacker is likely NOT using his server resources to do the hacking.

    In many of the cases I looked at, the hacker is linking directly to the affiliate sites so he isn't even using his hosting resources to redirect the links, so in those cases the web host is not even involved, so the reports to the host are moot in those cases.

    Like I said before, I probably fight hacking more than the average webmaster, but contacting web hosts when their ip space is not involved will not help.

    The terms you listed are when that particular ip space is involved (being used to PERFORM the hacking).

    His domain and hosting are likely NOT part of the hacking, but if you have server logs that prove that, the host will likely listen and if they do not, you can start climbing up the service provider ladder. (serving up the links does NOT prove anything, since the host (as well as the client) can say they are not involved)

    I agree that it's too bad Google can not be reached easier when issues like this arise, however they can do more than his host can, if they can just be convinced.


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  12. #29
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    O great, a 'no voter' ... Want to talk about it?

    But, you are entitled to your joke / opinion / etc. Thanks.
    Last edited by antihacker; 31 August 2014 at 8:21 am.

  13. #30
    -Shay- is offline Public Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by antihacker View Post
    O great, a 'no voter' ... Want to talk about it?

    But, you are entitled to your joke / opinion / etc. Thanks.
    Does a vote in your poll give someone more or less topic authority regardless of personal experience on the matter?

  14. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by -Shay- View Post
    Does a vote in your poll give someone more or less topic authority regardless of personal experience on the matter?
    Don't think so. But, if there were 100's of votes of wanting him banned, it would be a signal to the aff programs. Now, with so many views, and nearly no votes, the aff programs might take it as: our affiliates do not care, so why should we.

    I wish I never added the poll. That's for sure.

  15. #32
    Roulette Zeitung is offline Public Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by -Shay- View Post
    Are you saying that if I were to crack someone's weak password for their business website's hosting and took the liberty of redirecting visitors and/or dropping affiliate links, this would not be criminal?
    A good question with only one answer: "It is criminal." Under Geman law you can be jailed up to 10 years for that, because in our country cybercrime is taken very serious.

    If you search with Google


    (with quotation marks), then you see a list of victims:


    this thread is the right place for reporting this crime, but not the right one to ask programs, why they don't do anything against it.

    Open a thread for every casino in the specific sponsor area and ask the program representatives in this way directly (!), make a short report and ask if they want to do actions against this guy.

    Here is the list for you:

    Cosmik Casino = AffPower (Former sponsor - one the most worst casinos in the industry with criminal terms)

    Euro Palace = Fortune Affiliates:

    Casino Midas = AffiliStars:

    Europa Casino = Europartners:

    888 Casino = 888 (No sponsor of GPWA - blocking winning player accounts)

    Casino Club = Affiliate Club (Former sponsor - for them every hacker is welcome, because they are ruthless)

    Star Games = Star Games Affiliates:

    Euro King = Euro King Club Affiliates (No sponsor of GPWA)

    City Club = AffEurope:

    William Hill = AffUnited:

    It's some work, but if you open a thread in all these areas, your chances are higher, that something will be changed, because for this final goal (actions from programs and without programs no money) this area is the wrong place. Most representatives don't read here, and only, if you open a thread in their areas, they have the duty to answer.


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  17. #33
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    Good job with the cloaking. It is not the criminal offense, but the best way to bring them down @ G. If few ppl fill this
    I believe their domain will be banned.

    The important part here is not to mention the hacking, but only the cloaking. Keep it simply stupid. It is like trying to catch mafia boss for some minor offense, but it is the best way I am sure.
    If you talk to God, you are praying; If God talks to you, you have schizophrenia.

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  19. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sherlock View Post
    Good job with the cloaking. It is not the criminal offense, but the best way to bring them down @ G. If few ppl fill this
    I believe their domain will be banned.

    The important part here is not to mention the hacking, but only the cloaking. Keep it simply stupid. It is like trying to catch mafia boss for some minor offense, but it is the best way I am sure.
    Thank you Sherlock, Done: Google says: "Thank you for submitting a webspam report for verifiedcasinos. com/."

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  21. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roulette Zeitung View Post

    A good question with only one answer: "It is criminal." Under Geman law you can be jailed up to 10 years for that, because in our country cybercrime is taken very serious.

    If you search with Google


    (with quotation marks), then you see a list of victims:


    this thread is the right place for reporting this crime, but not the right one to ask programs, why they don't do anything against it.

    Open a thread for every casino in the specific sponsor area and ask the program representatives in this way directly (!), make a short report and ask if they want to do actions against this guy.

    Here is the list for you:

    Cosmik Casino = AffPower (Former sponsor - one the most worst casinos in the industry with criminal terms)

    Euro Palace = Fortune Affiliates:

    Casino Midas = AffiliStars:

    Europa Casino = Europartners:

    888 Casino = 888 (No sponsor of GPWA - blocking winning player accounts)

    Casino Club = Affiliate Club (Former sponsor - for them every hacker is welcome, because they are ruthless)

    Star Games = Star Games Affiliates:

    Euro King = Euro King Club Affiliates (No sponsor of GPWA)

    City Club = AffEurope:

    William Hill = AffUnited:

    It's some work, but if you open a thread in all these areas, your chances are higher, that something will be changed, because for this final goal (actions from programs and without programs no money) this area is the wrong place. Most representatives don't read here, and only, if you open a thread in their areas, they have the duty to answer.


    Thank you Leopold, for your input and advise. I will try this again, perhaps the last time I tried this, I posted too quick or something, as I got the 'thank you for posting, an administrator will view this post before it gets published' type of response. Those posts however never did get published.

    I truly appreciate you taking the time to post this post, it does make it a bit easier for me.

  22. #36
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    Just done, with posting threads on the affiliate program pages on GPWA.

    Again, thanks for making it easier for me to do so.

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  24. #37
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    I have also joined the club and submitted it. I think it is good for everyone to spend 1-2 mins to fill the report. I secretly believe Google will give some positive trustrank to your webmaster tools account if you keep helping them. In the future it might have value to posses such an account (for example when there will be some problem with your own website).
    If you talk to God, you are praying; If God talks to you, you have schizophrenia.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sherlock View Post
    I have also joined the club and submitted it. I think it is good for everyone to spend 1-2 mins to fill the report. I secretly believe Google will give some positive trustrank to your webmaster tools account if you keep helping them. In the future it might have value to posses such an account (for example when there will be some problem with your own website).
    I should by now rank #1 on online casino if that were true! lol

    But, yes, it DOES help to do this. So, please, all of us my friends, we should make work out of this. Take a moment or two, and support us.

    Help keeping our industry clean, and help yourself to get rid of this HUGE unfair competition. He is taking YOUR cash too.

    Thank you.

  27. #39
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    Nice to see how Google's first page is filling up with my threads here, when you search verifiedcasinos dot com

    Thank you all for your support.
    Thank you!

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  29. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sherlock View Post
    What makes you sad?
    It's not what makes me sad, it is what IS sad: Hackers and rogue affiliate programs...
    Thank you!

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