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  1. #1
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    Exclamation URGENT: Please BAN your affiliate VERIFIEDCASINOS.COM For Serious Hacking! (proof)

    Hello Affiliates United,

    I would like to bring to your attention the fact that one of your affiliates (with site verifiedcasinos .com) has hacked millions of third party websites worldwide, ruthlessly promoting your brands on those hacked sites. (And profiting)

    Please take a moment or two to read my thread about this notorious criminal here:

    This thread will provide you with all the proof you need to see that indeed this person does not belong in our beloved industry.

    I am kindly asking you to read it, then do your own investigation, and ultimately ban this person / organization from your affiliate program with all accounts that he has / may have.

    Please support my intense efforts by confirming your knowledge of this on the above thread, after which, if you do ban him, to notify us all of the fact that you did indeed ban this person.

    It would pay off the countless hours / days / weeks I have put in personally in order to clean our industry from such horrific crimes.

    Thank you kindly,

    The antihacker.

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  3. #2
    -Shay- is offline Public Member
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    *** nudge ***

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  5. #3
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    No one home? Too busy perhaps?

    What will it be?

    If I may remind you:

    "Fraud" means an actual or attempted act by the Affiliate or any Customer which is reasonably deemed by the Operator to be (i) illegal in any applicable jurisdiction; (ii) made in bad faith; or (iii) intended to defraud the Operator or any of the Sites and/or circumvent any contractual or legal restrictions, regardless of whether such act or attempted act actually causes the Operator or any of the Sites any damage or harm. Fraud shall include, without limitation, collusion; abuse of bonuses or other promotions; abuse of the CPA reward structure; violation of money-laundering or other laws and regulations; Spamming; false, misleading or unauthorised advertising or representations; use of stolen credit cards; rake-back activity; and unauthorised use of any intellectual property rights (including third parties' and any of the Operator’s or the Sites' rights, and registering or attempting to register adwords in breach of this Agreement), and “Fraudulent” shall be construed accordingly;

    The Affiliate will not engage in, allow, assist, promote, encourage or benefit from, directly or indirectly, any act or traffic that involves Fraud. The Affiliate will act at all times to refrain from, immediately stop and not allow any act or traffic that involves Fraud or that it believes or should reasonably believe to potentially involve Fraud, or any act or traffic that the Operator informs the Affiliate is suspected by it, at its discretion, to involve or potentially involve Fraud.

    3.5.2In the event that the Operator suspects Fraud it reserves the right to place restrictions on the Affiliate’s account including but not limited to suspending the Affiliate’s account and retaining all sums within the account as well as commencing a full investigation. The Affiliate hereby gives the Operator its authorisation to inform the appropriate authorities or third parties of such an incident and only once the Operator is satisfied that the matter is resolved shall it remove any restrictions on the Affiliate’s account.

    Really nice set of rules. Question is when you will adhere to them.

    Anybody home?
    Last edited by antihacker; 4 September 2014 at 9:26 am.
    Thank you!

  6. #4
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    Was on the phone with your support agent Sophi whom I called several hours ago. She assured me that she would pass on my very important message regarding this thread.

    I hope to see some responds here soon.

    Thank you,

    Thank you!

  7. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by antihacker View Post
    Was on the phone with your support agent Sophi whom I called several hours ago. She assured me that she would pass on my very important message regarding this thread.

    I hope to see some responds here soon.

    Thank you,

    Sick. Nothing so far.

    Soon, I'll report all of this to law enforcement. They've advised me that any program under investigation may be shut down during said investigation.

    You will be a tat too late then.
    Thank you!

  8. #6
    NHLinden is offline Non-sponsor Affiliate Program
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    Hi all,

    Apologies for not responding earlier, for some reason I stopped getting alerts on posts on GPWA, will fix that now.

    We will be in touch with this specific affiliate to find out more details.

    If we find that this affiliate (or any other affiliate for that matter) has infringed any of the clauses mentioned under "Terms and Termination" on our T&Cs, we will terminate our agreement.


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  10. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by antihacker View Post
    Was on the phone with your support agent Sophi whom I called several hours ago. She assured me that she would pass on my very important message regarding this thread.

    I hope to see some responds here soon.

    Thank you,

    yeah... Stopped getting notifications ...
    they've had phones for quite some time!
    posting and copy pasting this post shows me just how much effort you are willing to put in.
    Oh walter, not so negative. Right. How would you feel if you lose all you worked for the last 14 years?
    truly SAD excuse for a reply. And way too late
    Thank you!

  11. #8
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    I can confirm Nadav was not on the thread notification list, he has now been added. When I contacted Nadav regarding the hacker, he promptly replied to my email, then posted in the forum. We will be reviewing all the notification listings will all our sponsor programs to make sure they are up to date.
    I am here to help if you have any issues with an affiliate program.
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  12. The Following User Says Thank You to Anthony For This Useful Post:

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  13. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anthony View Post
    I can confirm Nadav was not on the thread notification list, he has now been added. When I contacted Nadav regarding the hacker, he promptly replied to my email, then posted in the forum. We will be reviewing all the notification listings will all our sponsor programs to make sure they are up to date.

    Still doesn't make me feel any better over this. Perhaps you can also explain to them the workings of phones.

    Was on the phone with your support agent Sophi whom I called several hours ago. She assured me that she would pass on my very important message regarding this thread.
    May I add that this was NOT the first time I've called them? This WAS the first time in which I made sure to ask for a name, so that I could mention it here, in case no one would respond.

    And, that is next to the countless amounts of emails that have been sent.

    Thank you!

  14. #10
    NHLinden is offline Non-sponsor Affiliate Program
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    Contacting our support is not the fastest way to get such a message through to the affiliate program managers.
    The best way would be to contact us directly (our emails are on our page on GPWA) and then you don't have to count on anyone to forward your message to us.

    You can see how quickly I respond now that I'm on the notifications list.

    More to the point, I understand your frustration and I would have probably felt the same if everything I worked for went down the drain.

    However, for an operator it's not as simple as you imagine it to be to stop a deal with an affiliate.
    We need to back ourselves up with proof and cover all legal angles before we cease and desist.

    An investigation into the subject is now in process, I will update once there's anything to update about.

    Feel free to email me personally any material/extra proof you might have.


  15. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by NHLinden View Post

    Contacting our support is not the fastest way to get such a message through to the affiliate program managers.
    The best way would be to contact us directly (our emails are on our page on GPWA) and then you don't have to count on anyone to forward your message to us.

    You can see how quickly I respond now that I'm on the notifications list.

    More to the point, I understand your frustration and I would have probably felt the same if everything I worked for went down the drain.

    However, for an operator it's not as simple as you imagine it to be to stop a deal with an affiliate.
    We need to back ourselves up with proof and cover all legal angles before we cease and desist.

    An investigation into the subject is now in process, I will update once there's anything to update about.

    Feel free to email me personally any material/extra proof you might have.

    I am sorry to say, you have been mailed, by me and by others too. (ThePogg is one person I'm sure of that he mailed.) Perhaps it went in to the spam folder then.. Could be possible. I don't hold anything against you. It is people like you who can make a difference. Clearly not me. No one will miss me when I'm gone.

    Thank you for your update. But frankly I can't spend time on this anymore.

    As much as I want to help our industry, I first need to help myself now. I need to scramble everything I have to see what can be saved, if any.

    My business is as dead as that the one from the hacker should have been for a long time.

    No one cares about that. I just wish I would not have cared. Leave my head in the sand, and just continue making money. For me it seems it is too late. All domains I own gambling and non gambling have been confiscated, they are like sitting ducks drenched in superglue, waiting to be shot by the hunters. It is not a case of if they will harm me, it is when. And, it seems that has begun.

    Again, thanks for taking action. The other affiliates will appreciate it a lot, and so do I.

    Thank you!

  16. #12
    fuel1986 is offline Public Member
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    I know that you so busy Nadav, but i hope you have one minute to answer on my question in this thread.

  17. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by fuel1986 View Post
    I know that you so busy Nadav, but i hope you have one minute to answer on my question in this thread.
    I have replied on that post

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  19. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by antihacker View Post
    I am sorry to say, you have been mailed, by me and by others too. (ThePogg is one person I'm sure of that he mailed.) Perhaps it went in to the spam folder then.. Could be possible. I don't hold anything against you. It is people like you who can make a difference. Clearly not me. No one will miss me when I'm gone.

    Thank you for your update. But frankly I can't spend time on this anymore.

    As much as I want to help our industry, I first need to help myself now. I need to scramble everything I have to see what can be saved, if any.

    My business is as dead as that the one from the hacker should have been for a long time.

    No one cares about that. I just wish I would not have cared. Leave my head in the sand, and just continue making money. For me it seems it is too late. All domains I own gambling and non gambling have been confiscated, they are like sitting ducks drenched in superglue, waiting to be shot by the hunters. It is not a case of if they will harm me, it is when. And, it seems that has begun.

    Again, thanks for taking action. The other affiliates will appreciate it a lot, and so do I.


    We have paused our deal with this affiliate and have asked to be removed from his site.

    It could take a few days, but will be done soon.


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  21. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by NHLinden View Post

    We have paused our deal with this affiliate and have asked to be removed from his site.

    It could take a few days, but will be done soon.

    Hi, Thanks for the update!

    What is the definition of 'paused' please?
    Is he banned?

    Thank you
    Thank you!

  22. #16
    NHLinden is offline Non-sponsor Affiliate Program
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    It means we're off the site, and we're not dealing with him.

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  24. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by NHLinden View Post
    It means we're off the site, and we're not dealing with him.
    Banned so.. Right?
    Thank you!

  25. #18
    NHLinden is offline Non-sponsor Affiliate Program
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    Quote Originally Posted by antihacker View Post
    Banned so.. Right?
    Banned is a strong word.
    We're not working with him anymore, nor will we do so in the near future.

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  27. #19
    Jokerman99 is offline Private Member
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    Will you be paying commission on players sent to date from the thousands of hacked websites?

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  29. #20
    NHLinden is offline Non-sponsor Affiliate Program
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    I cannot reveal payments information on the forum.
    No affiliate, no matter what he does, would like his payment or stats details revealed here.

    What I wrote so far should be enough to understand how we see things and how we're acting on this instance


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