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  1. #1
    vegasaffiliates's Avatar
    vegasaffiliates is offline Public Member
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    Default VA Team Announcement

    Dear Affiliates,

    Sadly we are announcing the departure of Monica from the Vegas Affiliate team by her own resolution. Monica has been an outstanding addition to the team. We thank her for dedication to this forum and her commitment to resolving Affiliate’s issues as quickly and efficiently as possible. We wish Monica all the best in her future endeavours.

    We can assure you that although Monica will no longer be active on GPWA we now have two dedicated representatives that will be handling all issues and responding to all queries. Chris and Daniela will be more than happy to address all affiliate questions, issues or ideas and they look forward to becoming frequent posters on GPWA. Please free to email either of them on or
    We have a full professional and experienced team here at Vegas Affiliates and so we look forward to moving forward with you into a promising future partnership.

    Kind regards,
    VA Team
    Last edited by vegasaffiliates; 4 June 2010 at 4:48 am.

  2. #2
    arkyt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vegasaffiliates View Post
    Sadly we are announcing the departure of Monica from the Vegas Affiliate team by her own resolution.
    Sad news - Monica seemed genuinely concerned with what was going on with the program. Much like another predecessor - Yvette who came and went as quickly as things started to turn for the better. Very very odd ... hmmmmmmmmm.

  3. #3
    Monica's Avatar
    Monica is offline Non-sponsor Affiliate Program
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    Hi everyone
    First of all thank you so much for allowing me to enter your community, especially when the circumstances were not the best and for believing in me and in the program changes.
    It was my decision to leave Vegas Affiliates and the company fully understood my need for personal and professional growth, and above all the door was left open for future endeavors.

    I really needed to move forward and expose myself to different products and environments, learning, creating and evolving, and above all a hard earned vacation, but never forgetting the people who worked besides me throughout this period.

    I am sure things will continue to turn for the better at Vegas Affiliates, I left with a good team in place and with everything set for further development in a positive manner.

    Also I would like to tell everyone who has pending processes with me directly, that I will not be cutting away until these are resolved, meaning I will not leave anyone in a limbo, all issues will have a resolution within the next 2 weeks.

    Thank you once again and please face this as a positive change, now for a period of time I will have more time to post on the GPWA and AGD forums

    Take care everyone and thank you,
    Monica Rangel

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