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  1. #41
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    - Dropping % on a deal that does not deliver traffic/players for a few months is common practice in our industry nowadays.
    Who? is a william hill special, some other programs have similar rules but I never CROWD that require this!

    I understand you can find a few companies out there who wouldn't drop your %.
    few? think most do this, never saw it bevor in long time of this business.In 5 years me promot your brands and never dropping down, ewal more or long time less players come. Got a new AM and all changed. You have nice law, you do what you want!!

    - Those of you who stay in touch with us, know we do show a lot of flexibility when it comes to that clause, and if any of the
    affiliates who have been dropped will contact their AM with new options for traffic or players, we would be happy to consider
    keeping him on his current deal.
    You are real funny, Yes!! Let me tell the storry of mine what Lehel do after we close a new deal and i bring him some new players in the same month, he set me to 5% + negative, that is your rule?

    Again, Affiliates United is the worst program i ever seen, only give chance big Affiliates... small one will ever los about your house. So hope you will lose all you affiliates and see whats happens!!!

    for me it's over to work with such criminals, most other affilaite programs are fair and cooperative. Nobody need your bad system!

    Nice Sunday

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  3. #42
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    Making agreements with affiliates years and years ago and then changing that agreement is NOT common practice.

    If your web host made a lifetime agreement with you, (or any time limit) and then changed the agreement before the time limit of the agreement had been reached, would YOU sue them for breach?

    Or would you want them to HONOR their agreements?


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  5. #43
    Roulette Zeitung is offline Public Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by NHLinden
    Those of you who stay in touch with us, know we do show a lot of flexibility when it comes to that clause
    I saw this pattern more more than one or two times in the last months. It's a special pattern, but in daylight only a shabby excuse, because if a program don't want to use a term or vary it, then there is no need to write that term! It's a paradox, nonsense!

    Quote Originally Posted by NHLinden
    I understand you can find a few companies out there who wouldn't drop your %.
    Yes, these programs are not infected like yours: You can read about a role example and symptoms on the other side here an article from me, that you understand, what "Platinum" really means:


    ... Interpartners is one more good Platinum example ...

    I can show you a lot of sponsors here at GPWA, who don't hit their webmasters! YOU -with quota terms- are the minority in one or two years and will have big problems with declaring, why you don't change your terms in the early 201X's.

    Quote Originally Posted by NHLinden
    will contact their AM with new options for traffic or players
    And if it's just impossible, because they are small webmasters? You are really a worst program for hard working small webmasters.


    Quote Originally Posted by universal4 View Post
    Making agreements with affiliates years and years ago and then changing that agreement is NOT common practice
    Quote Originally Posted by marvel
    In 5 years me promot your brands and never dropping down, ewal more or long time less players come. [...] after we close a new deal and i bring him some new players in the same month, he set me to 5% + negative, that is your rule?
    Shame on you, AffUnited!

    And the legacy of your acting is no secret. It's public, and moreover, behind closed doors...


    Affiliates United is NOT recommended due to lack of communication and transparency regarding affiliate data. Also the program has switched to NetRefer backend in late 2013 and have also updated their affiliate terms and conditions which are not very affiliate friendly. Affiliates are advised to read the full terms and conditions of their affiliate program before considering to join. [...] Many affiliates have complainted of very late payments as well as problems with their reporting so affiliates should work with the program at their own risk.

    If I think about your "special Add-On", the allegedly use of casino bots...


    A fish rots from the head down, and the head is the affiliate program.

    Heal your quota virus infection!

    Quote Originally Posted by marvel
    for me it's over to work with such criminals
    If a honest webmaster, who worked 5 years (!) with your program, is talking in this manner, then you ignored many wake-up calls in the past. Disgraceful!


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  7. #44
    NHLinden is offline Non-sponsor Affiliate Program
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    Quote Originally Posted by universal4 View Post
    Making agreements with affiliates years and years ago and then changing that agreement is NOT common practice.

    If your web host made a lifetime agreement with you, (or any time limit) and then changed the agreement before the time limit of the agreement had been reached, would YOU sue them for breach?

    Or would you want them to HONOR their agreements?

    Hi Rick,

    You more than anyone else should know about our flexibility on this subject.

    And yes, affiliates not sending us traffic is affiliates not living up to their side of the agreement (the agreement being based on our T&Cs of course).

    Again guys, if any of the affiliates who were dropped on their % wants to go back to their old %, they can contact their AM and discuss it.

    You have to understand, we want your business, big, medium or small. But this business works both ways, you send traffic/players and we pay for them...if you can't send us traffic anymore then we revisit our partnership altogether, just like any other business would do.

    Last edited by NHLinden; 26 May 2014 at 6:55 am.

  8. #45
    crowngate is offline Private Member
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    I am on Negative Carry Over and with -1000 on my account. Just received the email below so will never get out of negative numbers with 5% going forward.

    No point at all promoting them anymore, avoid companies like this. Shame they don't see the bigger picture, but no loss to me!

    Dear partner,

    We are writing to you to inform you that due to a lack of activity in your Affiliates United account and as per our terms and conditions in the revenue reward scheme, your revenue share will be reduced.

    “At any time where 3 calendar months have passed without the Affiliate directing any Customers to the Operator’s Sites, the default Revenue Reward set out in the table above and any other Revenue Reward agreed by the parties in writing at any time shall no longer apply and instead shall be set at 5% of all Online Gaming Products and Sportsbook.”

    As your account has now passed this period, your revenue share is consequently being reduced to this amount.

    Should you have any questions, please contact your affiliate manager.

    Yours sincerely,

    Affiliates United Team

  9. #46
    WATP is offline Public Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by crowngate View Post
    I am on Negative Carry Over and with -1000 on my account. Just received the email below so will never get out of negative numbers with 5% going forward.
    Just got this email too a few minutes ago. I'm starting a massive casino site and was going to have them listed in the top 10. After I received this email (amongst other failures of William Hill from the past 5 years), I deleted their aff login bookmark from my browser and that's the end of that

    Good business guys, must be very hard to cope with some small entries in a database that are the data for lesser-traffic affiliates that do indeed send you traffic but not up to your arbitrary standard. Every thought of partnering with Stan James?

  10. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by WATP View Post
    Just got this email too a few minutes ago. I'm starting a massive casino site and was going to have them listed in the top 10. After I received this email (amongst other failures of William Hill from the past 5 years), I deleted their aff login bookmark from my browser and that's the end of that

    Good business guys, must be very hard to cope with some small entries in a database that are the data for lesser-traffic affiliates that do indeed send you traffic but not up to your arbitrary standard. Every thought of partnering with Stan James?
    SJ and AffUTD have performed badly for me but were always on my sites. At no cost to them they were getting exposure on my sites, now they will never get a single pageview off me.

    I think they need to learn small affiliates sometimes do not choose to not send players, they just cannot. Times change and so do rankings, alienating affiliates is not a smart move.

  11. #48
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    I had left WH on my site with limited exposure, sending very little traffic, but it looks like it's time to remove them completely.

    Within 3hrs this morning I got an email from someone at WH saying they really want to advertise on my site (obviously didn't take the time to look at the playtech casinos page), and another email from AffUtd saying my rev share was cut to 5%.

  12. #49
    TheDane is offline Public Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by NHLinden View Post
    Hi Rick,

    You more than anyone else should know about our flexibility on this subject.

    And yes, affiliates not sending us traffic is affiliates not living up to their side of the agreement (the agreement being based on our T&Cs of course).

    Again guys, if any of the affiliates who were dropped on their % wants to go back to their old %, they can contact their AM and discuss it.

    You have to understand, we want your business, big, medium or small. But this business works both ways, you send traffic/players and we pay for them...if you can't send us traffic anymore then we revisit our partnership altogether, just like any other business would do.

    Well, in that case you pay way too little for the players. We have all the risk, and still agree to do a rev-deal. If you can't guarantee that we will earn money on the players for lifetime, then drop the rev deals and only do CPA deals. But obv. you dont want to do that, when you have risk free marketing and steals the money when the affiliate no-longer can or will send more players to you.

    It would be great, if you would understand that we would love to work with you, if we belive that you would love to work with us. A great relationship with a small affiliate can eventually turn into your next big affiliates with lots of new customers. Spend you time to help the affiliate to get more new customers, and then you would see your business expand massively.


    I will go to Amsterdam in June, please feel free to send me an PM if you would like to drink a beer or two and discuss how we can avoid that sites continues to steal our revenue.

  13. #50
    NHLinden is offline Non-sponsor Affiliate Program
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    Quote Originally Posted by crowngate View Post

    I think they need to learn small affiliates sometimes do not choose to not send players, they just cannot. Times change and so do rankings, alienating affiliates is not a smart move.

    You're 100% right, small affiliates of today can be big tomorrow.
    We're not alienating anyone, and as I said we'll gladly discuss putting you back on your old %, but if you're not in touch with us, not sending us players, and reluctant to work with us...there's not too much business here for us is there?

    Again guys, I urge you to contact your AM or me personally to discuss putting you back on your old %, it can be done quite easily.


  14. #51
    Roulette Zeitung is offline Public Member
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    I hear two AffUnited representatives continuously blustering the same phrases, without understanding in which fragile situation they are.

    A bad reputation is like dandelion seeds drifting in the wind. No one can stop it.


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  16. #52
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    Again guys, I urge you to contact your AM or me personally to discuss putting you back on your old %, it can be done quite easily.
    Don´t like to contact Am or you, is done and over! Important is that everybody knows how you are work.

    I hear two AffUnited representatives continuously blustering the same phrases
    Both are read the same book...

    As my partners and cheat do so as I know of nothing

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  18. #53
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    We should not have to discuss, ask or beg to stay on a deal we chose many many MANY years ago, it should be automatic.

    It is YOU GUYS that changed the terms not us.


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  20. #54
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    This is an awful thread. I am still looking for 2nd UK bookie and no way I will deal with a company with this behavior.

    Marketing and smallprint gimmicks can not work on marketing experts, my god. Just make a good terms and stick with them. It is not just about changing them retroactively. I have other things to do then constantly begging for higher rate and assuring AM that I am still alive and I want my money.
    If you talk to God, you are praying; If God talks to you, you have schizophrenia.

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  22. #55
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    You're so right and that´s why it is really important to warn of such terms. It will be kill all small affiliates to do a hard work. Williamhill is a big company in UK and so they will occur each in the ass, no affiliate has the necessary.

  23. #56
    stevestan is offline Public Member
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    Affiliates United make up their own stats and pay you what you they choose, they are the most dishonest and unethical company I have come across.

    I have a pay out limit of $100.000.00, which they will not remove, why?? it because they dont want to pay anyone.

    If you join them then you might get the first few payments, but after you have created some clients for them, they start messing with your stats.

    I have got people to register and deposit using my referral link and guess what??

    Nothing shows up? bunch of criminals!!!!

    I wont stop untill they are out of business.

  24. #57
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    Bet365 must order the best bottles of champagne and celebrate.

    All they need to do to totally conquer the market is just not to steal as until now. I can not believe they use such excuses like payout limit 100K. Is this how they treat big affiliates? How they treat the small ones? In gas chambers?
    If you talk to God, you are praying; If God talks to you, you have schizophrenia.

  25. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by NHLinden View Post

    Again guys, I urge you to contact your AM or me personally to discuss putting you back on your old %, it can be done quite easily.

    I am quite sure that when you cut affiliate rev share because not sending enough depositing players in specific time frame you are doing it automatically. So why we have to contact you and ask to put as back on old % after we send those depositing players. In my case I was dropped from 20% to 10% (sports betting) because of player quota, but altough I send new players i never get old %.
    You are waste of time and i have already removed you from my main betting site and will do with others as soon as possible.

  26. #59
    Roulette Zeitung is offline Public Member
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    Title of this thread: "Why you shouldn't join Affiliates United (AffUtd)"
    Answer: Because William Hill, the flagship, have used bots on their poker site!

    If you didn't heard about this unbelievable story, search for the bot with account name "bot771107".

    The old term: in games offered via the Website which benefit from more players or greater liquidity we may deploy electronic players (known as robots, and whose usernames will be "bot") who are pre-programmed to play and join in with the game in order to assist the liquidity or the number of players gaming although we will not use bots without making such usage clear to You.
    Later they admitted official, that they used bots. So it's a fact!

    Call is strange. Call it whatever you want, but you can't trust a brand like that and should not work for it.

    Never again!


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  28. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roulette Zeitung View Post
    Title of this thread: "Why you shouldn't join Affiliates United (AffUtd)"
    Answer: Because William Hill, the flagship, have used bots on their poker site!

    If you didn't heard about this unbelievable story, search for the bot with account name "bot771107".

    The old term:

    Later they admitted official, that they used bots. So it's a fact!

    Call is strange. Call it whatever you want, but you can't trust a brand like that and should not work for it.
    It's been a long time, I have removed all of their casinos.
    At first I had my players when I started and that my sites were small, and when I had sites that worked well, there was nobody. For me, there is a big problem. And then, the manager asked me the top position lol.

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