MEMBER ACTIVITYPosts: 37Posts Per Day: 0.01 Last Activity: 17?Dec?2010 Join Date: 12?Jan?2008 | PERSONAL INFORMATIONNative Language: NorwegianOther Language: English Birthday: 27?Jul?1954 Age: 70 Location: Spain Interests: Affiliate, Musician Occupation: Musician, Affiliate |
BIOGRAPHYI am a musician and a webmaster, affiliate is a interesting work. | |
GPWA TIMES MAGAZINEIf you visit Ben Johnsen, there's a fjord in your future![]() Interview with bj3000 - Issue 6, September 2008 Kolbein discusses why he works with Norwegian rather than Spanish markets, why he's fine with using English-language banners on Norwegian sites and why he doesn't go to the beach very often. |